PPSA 2024 Call for Board and Committee Nominations (Deadline: May 10, 2024)

Dear PPSA colleagues,

Nominations are open to all monthly-paid, full-time Penn staff for election to positions on PPSA’s Executive Board as well as for potential appointment as PPSA representatives to University committees.   

PPSA is a volunteer organization operated by and for all monthly-paid, overtime-exempt, University staff members. PPSA’s mission is to support and focus staff engagement and collaboration within the University of Pennsylvania community. Involvement with PPSA activities allows you to network with your colleagues through numerous workshops and events that enhance your professional development and work life at Penn.  


  1. Provides a forum through which staff can engage in dialogue about issues facing the University and higher education
  2. Participates and collaborates in University governance through University Council and other committees and task forces
  3. Serves as an informational network to promote seminars and programs that enrich the quality of experience and work life for professional staff
  4. Provides a supportive network to assist the University in achieving its goals and objectives  

Executive Board members assist with program development and coordination. The board meets monthly. University committee members meet regularly and are expected to report to the Executive Board periodically. Service through PPSA is a rewarding and enjoyable experience that requires only a couple of hours per month. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet colleagues from across the University who will help to enrich your work life at Penn.

Executive Committee Nominations

The following positions are open for nomination:

  • PPSA Chair-Elect (1 position, three-year term of service): The chair is the principal executive officer who calls for and presides over meetings, prepares agendas, and provides leadership and representation of PPSA at University Council and University-level bodies. After one year, the chair-elect automatically succeeds to the office of chairperson.
  • Members At-Large (4 positions, two-year term of service): The members at-large participate in Executive Board meetings, manage PPSA projects and events, and serve on other University committees as needed.

All monthly-paid, full-time University staff members are encouraged to self-nominate or nominate colleagues for consideration using the form below by no later than May 10, 2024.    

All nominees will be asked to complete a brief candidate bio and written personal statement. The final list of candidates will be announced via PPSA’s mailing list before the election.  The 2024-2025 election for officers will occur following PPSA’s annual meeting, to be held on Thursday, May 23, at noon in the Irvine Auditorium’s Café 58. Our election meeting guest will be Reverend Chaz Howard, University Chaplain and Vice President for Social Equity & Community.  Lunch will be served.

All full-time, monthly-paid University staff members are welcomed and encouraged to attend the meeting as guests of PPSA. A registration form will be sent via email to members of the PPSA listserv. You may register for the listserv by visiting http://ppsa.upenn.edu.    

University Committee Nominations

PPSA invites you to nominate yourself or others for a one-year service term on other University committees, including the 2024-2025 University Council Committees. The Council committees, which also include faculty and student members, serve as advisory bodies, and play important roles in shaping academic and administrative policy across the campus. Please consider taking advantage of this opportunity to learn about the administrative structure of the University and have input into its decision-making.  

For more information on the work of the University Council committee specifically, visit https://secretary.upenn.edu/univ-council/committees.

All University committee appointments will be made by the PPSA tri-chairs from among all applicants following the Executive Board election.  

Questions on the nomination and election process can be directed to ppsa@lists.upenn.edu. The elections process is governed by the PPSA Bylaws, available on the PPSA website at http://ppsa.upenn.edu.

To nominate yourself or someone else, please fill out the form here: https://upenn.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9ujkxzN3paXj5rM.

—Penn Professional Staff Assembly (PPSA)